Endnote export


%T Polymedia Based Instruction in Purposive Communication
%A Delos Reyes, Ryan Jayson
%J Puissant
%P 98-112
%V 1
%D 2020
%K polymedia; polymedia based instruction; spoken texts; task-based materials; purposive communication
%@ 2719-0153
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-76835-6
%X This   paper   focused   on   the   development   and   validation   of   Polymedia   Based Instruction  (PBI)  materials  in  Purposive  Communication  (PC)  classes  at  Urdaneta  City University. Descriptive and developmental research designs were employed in this study. The  subjects  include  the  PC  Instructors  and  selected  pre-service  teachers  taking  the course.  This  study  identified  five  topics  which  were  determined  by  the  8  PC  instructors namely:   Effective   Communication,   Intercultural   Communication,   Guidelines   to   Avoid Plagiarism,   Power   of   Information   and   Communication   Technology,   and   PowerPoint Presentation.  PBI  materials  were  developed  for  each  topic  and  were  categorized  into  3components.  These  are  direct materials,  interactive  materials,  and  task-based  materials. PBI materials were given a highly acceptable remark from the pre-service teachers in the Purposive  Communicationcourse.  From  the  abovefindings,  the  following  conclusions were drawn: Most of the identified topics needing computer-aided instructions using PBI materials dealt with speaking and writing skills; PBI materials developed covered spoken texts,  mini-lecture,  clips,  related  examples,  interactive  voice  prompts,  and  computer-aided  instructions;  and,  PBI  materials  are  highly  accepted  in  delivering  the  identified topics in the identified course.Moreover, the following recommendationsare forwarded: language  teachers  may  use  PBI  materials  as  teaching  strategies  in  speaking  and  writing classes; administrators and language teachers may optimize the PBI materials developed in  teaching  Purposive  Communication  course;  language  teachers  may  incorporate  PBI materials  in  teaching  Purpose  Communication  course;  language  teachers  may  design additional  PBI  materials  to  enhance  the  speaking  and  writing  skills  of  the  learners,  and future  researchers  may  explore  other  variables  that  can  potentially  signify  to  the  PBI materials in teaching other related subjects.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info