Bibtex export


@article{ Gutsche2021,
 title = {Critical Theory and Being Critical: Connections and Contradictions},
 author = {Gutsche, Jr., Robert E.},
 journal = {Media and Communication},
 number = {2},
 pages = {86-87},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {2183-2439},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This editorial responds to a professionalization and constrained notion of "critical theory" to argue for an academic and humanist-centered approach to developing debates and discussions around the future of critical theory and "being critical."},
 keywords = {Journalismus; journalism; Digitalisierung; digitalization; Digitale Medien; digital media; Kritische Theorie; critical theory; Kommunikationswissenschaft; communication sciences}}