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@article{ Prates2021,
 title = {Do singular ao singular: finitude, trans-historicidade e compreensão em Sartre},
 author = {Prates, Marcelo},
 journal = {Griot: Revista de Filosofia},
 number = {3},
 pages = {268-282},
 volume = {21},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {2178-1036},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This article aims to analyze in Sartre's philosophy the relation between the subjectivities from the notion of understanding. Differentiating knowledge of understanding, Sartre proposes that by understanding it is possible to apprehend subjectivity without making it an objective knowledge. Although he points this in several of his studies is the conference on Kierkegaard that this thesis becomes more manifest. In this article we try to demonstrate that this thesis modifies a whole perception about the freedom, so that it as a singularity has a transhistorical dimension, at the same time that it can only be taken, in its own finitude, by understanding. This thesis does not contradict those of the ontology, but, rightly, legitimates the Being as finitude. Finally, freedom is not denoted as an objective knowledge, but as an invitation to understanding ourselves.},