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@article{ Kamberi2021,
 title = {Development of new technologies and challenges of the societies in transition: the case of Kosovo},
 author = {Kamberi, Ferdi and Abazi, Arianit},
 journal = {Journal of Liberty and International Affairs},
 number = {Supp. 1},
 pages = {48-64},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2021},
 issn = {1857-9760},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The development of new technologies is considered a revolution because it has interconnected micro and macro cultures, has influenced socio-economic developments, and is gradually transferring our social life to the virtual one. Today, life without information technology is unimaginable and every communication is done through new technologies. On the other hand, the privacy and misuse of personal data are directly endangering personal freedom. The Balkan countries are as well part of this technological development but are also heavily challenged by different unidentified risks. Kosovo has a young population and is considered to have the youngest population in Europe. About 96.4% of households have access to the internet. This paper aims to analyze the development of new technologies in societies in transition, especially in Kosovo, the challenges, the issue of privacy, and the future of information technology. The methodology applied within this paper is the study of literature and the development of qualitative research. The findings demonstrate that Kosovo has quickly embraced information technology, digitized its public services, and installed some of the region's most cutting-edge technologies, such as 3D printers, but it is also highly vulnerable to cyber-attacks.},