

@book{ Hamm2021,
 title = {Reader Collective Memory-Work},
 editor = {Hamm, Robert},
 year = {2021},
 pages = {590},
 address = {Sligo},
 isbn = {978-0-9928271-4-4},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The Reader CMW presents first time English translations of material from the development phase of Collective Memory-Work in the 1980s in Germany, and also contemporary essays from 2020 and 2021 on a large variety of adaptations of the method across disciplinary and geographical boundaries.},
 keywords = {kollektives Gedächtnis; collective memory; Erinnerung; reminiscence; Kritische Psychologie; critical psychology; Methode; method; Reflexivität; reflexivity; Sozialforschung; social research; kollektive Biographie; collective biography; Erfahrung; experience; Handlungsfähigkeit; capacity to act; Textanalyse; text analysis; Frauenforschung; women's studies; Emanzipation; emancipation; Feminismus; feminism; Identität; identity; Spieltheorie; game theory; Geschlechterforschung; gender studies; Ethnizität; ethnicity}}