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@book{ Stefan2020,
 title = {Barometrul preelectoralal orașului Râmnicu Sărat},
 author = {Stefan, Bruno},
 year = {2020},
 series = {Barometru politic local / Raport},
 pages = {38},
 volume = {18/2020},
 address = {Bucharest},
 publisher = {Biroul de Cercetări Sociale},
 issn = {2734-8628},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The survey was conducted on July 2-5, 2020 on a sample of 629 inhabitants of the city. He measured people’s opinion about the main candidates for City Hall, the comparison between the first two competitors, expectations of the future mayor, voting intentions, how the City Hall was involved in certain administrative issues, achievements and failures of current and former mayor.},
 keywords = {voting behavior; party; öffentliche Meinung; preference; Kommunalwahl; public opinion; Wahlverhalten; Romania; Partei; Präferenz; Rumänien; local election; local politics; Kommunalpolitik}}