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%T Dafur's Peace: Post-Conflict Reconstruction
%A Hassan, Gubara
%A Yenigun, Cuneyt
%A Albasoos, Hani
%J PalArch's Journal of Archeology of Egypt/Egyptology
%N 3
%P 4822-4838
%V 18
%D 2021
%K Darfur Conflict; African Studies; Conflict Resolution; Reconciliation
%@ 1567-214X
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-75189-8
%X Utilizing a qualitative research methodology, the paper introduces the background to the conflict in Darfur, including its origins, main causes, and related consequences and impacts. The causal factors of the conflict include colonialist and post-independence policies of economic and political marginalization, environmental degradation, demographic pressures and ecological hardships, ethnic and tribal conflicts fuelled by the then Al Bashir's governmental inaction or partial support, and wider regional conflicts and intervention. Later the paper addresses Darfur Peace process from a general perspective. Then, the third part of the study sheds lights on the vital needs and tremendous challenges of Darfur's post-conflict reconstruction, respectively. The paper concludes that addressing these all-encompassing and overlapping needs and challenges represents the indispensable conditions for post-conflict reconstruction in Darfur, without which the recovery, sustainable development, and prosperity of greater Darfur region are likely to be negligible or insignificant.
%G en
%9 journal article
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info