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@article{ Shafi2018,
 title = {Dynamics of Fake News Dissemination: A Case Study in the Indian context},
 author = {Shafi, Shuaib and Ravikumar, Madhavi},
 journal = {Media Watch},
 number = {1},
 pages = {131-140},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {0976-0911},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The potential to reach out to large mass of people in considerably shorter periods
of time, though resulted in acceleration of news production, it also paved way to
a sudden boom in circulation of fake news. The attempt made here is to understand
the various factors that influence the propagation of fake news. With the assistance
of an online quantitative survey, the demographic factors, social media habits,
news consumption habits and fake news exposure of 163 people are closely
observed to identify any sort of patterns across it. Further, the thematic aspects of
the fake news items that are come across by maximum number of respondents are
put into discussion, to identify the elements that determine popularity. It concludes
with stressing the need to have a more nuanced understanding of onlinecommunities for a comprehensive understanding of 'fake news dynamics'.},