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@article{ Alfailakawi2018,
 title = {What Do Selfies Say about Young Kuwaitis?},
 author = {Alfailakawi, Yousef},
 journal = {Media Watch},
 number = {2},
 pages = {167-181},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {0976-0911},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Taking a selfie as a social phenomenon is a way that people try to feel better
about themselves. Selfies say us something important about the people who take
them, and then share them and offer useful insights into the uses of social media
in general. It seems that young Kuwaitis are obsessed with taking selfies. Young
Kuwaitis, especially females, do not feel good about themselves and how they
look. They are very concerned about their online self-image. These young Kuwaitis,
especially females, are in danger because their self-esteem is bound to the
'comments' and 'likes' they receive when they post selfies. It can be said that
young Kuwaitis, especially females, are narcissists. It is apparent that narcissistic
individuals would be keener than others to take selfies, edit those pictures, post
the most attractive ones on social media, keep track of the 'likes' and 'comments'
for those pictures, and get worried when they do not get the desired feedback.},