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@article{ Kushwaha2019,
 title = {Measuring Implicit Attitudes: A Critical Viewpoint on the Political Cartooning},
 author = {Kushwaha, Omprakash},
 journal = {Media Watch},
 number = {2},
 pages = {344-352},
 volume = {10},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {0976-0911},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The attitude of cartooning is satirical and convention to a social problem that
makes it much different from another art form. Humour is another significant
element of this art form, cartoonist by this element attempt to engage with the
ruling authority and also communicate something about society widely. Humor
along with the critical resonance exists in cartoon form a tendency that constitutes
plurality by allowing individual towards progressive and critical thinking. The
composition of both significant elements in cartooning constitutes its unique
feature that justifies anger and disagreement with the power relation in a different
way. Continuing this debate, the paper engages critically with the implicit attitudes
and ideology of cartooning that a cartoonist propagates through the social and
historical meaning of a particular sign and symbol. In that particular context,
attitude and ideology will be treated as integral and much conventional to the
morality and value that society often defines or disseminate in a particular social
condition through the cartoon. And lastly, the paper argues that the cartooning
help conveys the message to a reader’s reality and communicate to readers on
their level.},