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@article{ Alsaqer2018,
 title = {Bridge between Public Relations Education and Culture: The Perspectives of Bahraini Female PR Training Practitioners},
 author = {Alsaqer, Layla},
 journal = {Media Watch},
 number = {3},
 pages = {302-316},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {0976-0911},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This paper uses a cultural approach to provide rich original qualitative data on
the perspectives of female PR training students who newly finished their university
degree in public relations in Bahrain. The research analyzes the relationships
and stereotypes of these women through bridging PR education to the professional
practice of public relations in the cultural context of Bahrain. The researcher adopts
a cultural approach to analyze the data using cultural dimensions such as Hofstede
(1994) and Hall (1976) in addition to theoretical concepts based on the literature
on gender and power. The contribution of this research is that it is the first paper
that offers primary data on female public relations education in Bahrain and its
impact on the perceptions of female PR practitioners in term of leadership roles,
image and power relationships from a cultural angle},