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@article{ Chernova2018,
 title = {Brand Marketing Trends in Russian Social Media},
 author = {Chernova, Veronika Yu. and Tretyakova, Oksana V. and Vlasov, Andrey I.},
 journal = {Media Watch},
 number = {3},
 pages = {397-410},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {0976-0911},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {In the paper, the authors have reviewed common actions, an aim of which is
consumer engagement in interactions with a brand in social media. They have
also reviewed engagement types and effects of their use. Based on a literature
review, in a clearer way, the authors have presented attributes of Internet marketing
and explored brand-marketing challenges on the Internet. Authors have
summarized the information on Russian users' efforts in social media. Based on
empirical data, the researchers have made a portrait of media actors and the
audience in Russian social media, identified target groups among consumers by a
number of criteria. They have also completed an analysis of common ways for
promotion of companies (brands) and their products and services, taking into
account a structure of social media users and specifics of communication channels.
Findings include identified most common lines of business for promotion in a
competitive social media based on efficiency of the engagement response (rate)
per brand/product-specific page or post. These data have made it possible to
formalize strategic goals and possible results of brand marketing for various types
of social media.},