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@article{ Tretyakova2019,
 title = {Media Consumption Trends in Russia under Digitalization},
 author = {Tretyakova, Oksana V. and Karakozov, Sergey D. and Voevoda, Elena V.},
 journal = {Media Watch},
 number = {2},
 pages = {197-211},
 volume = {10},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {0976-0911},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The paper analyses media consumption in Russia and media business strategies.
The authors describe the media environment and identify the central trends typical
of the transition to digital communication in society. The research approach implies
evaluating the volume and distinguishing features of information consumption
using the main media resources (the Internet, television, radio and print media).
The information and empirical base of the research include the data of the
Mediascope analytical agency, the statistical data provided by the Russian Federal
State Statistic Service (Rosstat) and the results of research studies performed by
consulting companies for the period of 2003-2017/2018. The paper presents the
dynamics and specificity of transformation in the media environment and discusses
a range of trends in media consumption: such as communication technology
development; changes in the structure of media consumption; an increase in online
advertising; a gradual transformation of media, etc. The results obtained show
that the share of organizations and households in Russia that use the Internet in
their work is constantly growing, but this growth is uneven and heterogeneous.
Our findings prove that there are age (generation) differences in using traditional
and new media, and the frequency of using information resources is changing.},