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@article{ Alsalem2019,
 title = {Why Do They Post? Motivations and Uses of Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter among Kuwait College Students},
 author = {Alsalem, Fatima},
 journal = {Media Watch},
 number = {3},
 pages = {550-567},
 volume = {11},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {0976-0911},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This study explores the differences between Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter in terms of intensity of use and use motivations. Grounded in the theory of Uses and Gratifications, the current research compares the three platforms with exploratory factor analysis. A cross-sectional survey methodology of college students in Kuwait (N=692) asked respondents to identify the time they spend using social media, satisfaction with social media content, the intensity of using Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter as well as seven use motivations. The analysis of the data indicated that Instagram is the most popular platform among social media users, while Snapchat intensity of use is the highest. Based on the factor analysis results, motivations to use Snapchat are passing the time, self-expression, self-presentation, and entertainment. While the motivations to use Twitter are self-presentation, entertainment, and social interaction. Finally, passing time, social interaction, self-presentation, and entertainment are the motivations to use Instagram.},