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@article{ Klepp2020,
 title = {Migration and Conflict in a Global Warming Era: A Political Understanding of Climate Change (Editorial)},
 author = {Klepp, Silja and Fröhlich, Christiane},
 journal = {Social Sciences},
 number = {5},
 pages = {1-9},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {2076-0760},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This special issue explores underrepresented aspects of the political dimensions of global warming. It includes post- and decolonial perspectives on climate-related migration and conflict, intersectional approaches, and climate change politics as a new tool of governance. Its aim is to shed light on the social phenomena associated with anthropogenic climate change. The different contributions aim to uncover its multidimensional and far-reaching political effects, including climate-induced migration movements and climate-related conflicts in different parts of the world. In doing so, the authors critically engage with securitising discourses and resulting anti-migration arguments and policies in the Global North. In this way, they identify and give a voice to alternative and hitherto underrepresented research and policy perspectives. Overall, the special issue aims to contribute to a critical and holistic approach to human mobility and conflict in the context of political and environmental crisis.},
 keywords = {Migration; migration; Umweltkrise; environment crisis; Umweltschaden; environmental damage; Umweltschutz; environmental protection; Umweltpolitik; environmental policy; Klimawandel; climate change; Auswirkung; impact; Wirkung; effect; Konflikt; conflict; Flüchtling; refugee; Flucht; flight; politische Faktoren; political factors; Nord-Süd-Beziehungen; north-south relations; Klimapolitik; climate policy; Anpassung; adaptation; Vulnerabilität; vulnerability; Migrationspolitik; migration policy; Diskurs; discourse; Gerechtigkeit; justice; Postkolonialismus; post-colonialism}}