Endnote export


%T Assessment of News Items Objectivity in Mass Media of Countries with Intelligence Systems: the Brexit Case
%A Vladimirova, Tatyana N.
%A Vinogradova, Marina V.
%A Vlasov, Andrey I.
%A Shatsky, Alexander A.
%J Media Watch
%N 3
%P 471-483
%V 10
%D 2019
%K Content analysis; mass media; objectivity; manipulation; semantic kernel; information; sentiment analysis of news items; public opinion; intelligence systems
%@ 0976-0911
%X The role of mass media in society keeps the problem of manipulative influence distinction and the contiguous phenomena, chief among which is objectivity and authenticity of news items, current. The research provides a detailed study of the information broadcasting mechanisms in the media area, defines the problems, impeding an impersonal reproduction and disclosure of information, clarifies the verification methods, and gives their topology. In this research, we examined how the mass media of different countries presented the same event to the public. The publications of four mass media, concerning such an event as the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Brexit), have been determined as an object of the analysis. The chosen mass media refer to the countries, which are not the direct participants of that process: Russia, the USA, and Ukraine. D. Brewer’s criteria were used to define the objectivity of the news items. A relative sentiment of the news, which became the objective analysis basis, has been identified using linguistic rate with Eureka Engine intelligence system. The obtained results predominantly confirmed the hypothesis, that the mass media of different countries would represent the process of the UK withdrawal from the EU according to the country’s policy and interpret the facts in their favor. All the four mass media demonstrate the partiality when broadcasting the current situation in the matter of Brexit. The concepts being the semantic kernel elements of mass media publications have emotional coloring. The sentiment analysis of the publications resulted in the conclusion that only one of the four mass media gave a neutral assessment of the Brexit situation. The other three held to the political stance of their edition or government. The research results indicate that the problem of mass media objectivity remains relevant. The correctional impact on public opinion through mass media is extremely high. Therefore, forming the personal attitude toward the situation or event should occur with using several verifications methods and mass media sources at once.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info