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@book{ Dektar2021,
 title = {The gender and power relations nexus: a contextual perspective of Ugandan societies previously affected by civil unrest and cattle rustling: a case study of Acholi, Teso, and Karamoja regions of Uganda},
 author = {Dektar, Benbella and Lofter, Kristin B. and Walters, Stephanie and Stiefel, Norman L. and McEnany, Gregory and Liebermann, Amanda},
 year = {2021},
 pages = {5},
 address = {Kampala},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Uganda; Uganda; Geschlechterverhältnis; gender relations; Macht; power; soziale Ungleichheit; social inequality; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; gender-specific factors; Frau; woman; Diskriminierung; discrimination; Afrika südlich der Sahara; Africa South of the Sahara}}