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@article{ Tung2019,
 title = {The Analysis of the Tendency of the Vietnamese Media: Researching on the Construction of Chinese Tourist Image Based on “VnExpress”},
 author = {Tung, Tran Son},
 journal = {Media Watch},
 number = {3},
 pages = {498-507},
 volume = {10},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {0976-0911},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {China is now becoming a fundamental market for the prosperity and growth of the world’s tourism economy. It promotes the rapid development of foreign tourism and brings some influences to social life. Chinese tourists are highly concerned with foreign media at home and abroad; the Vietnamese Media is the same. Based on the theoretical framework, this paper analyzes the Chinese tourists report towards the Vietnamese Media “VnExpress” 2018 and discusses the construction of Chinese tourists’ image from the three views of macroscopic, the middle, and microcosmic of the news text framework. From there, it shows the tendency and prejudice of the Vietnamese media. The study found that “VnExpress” has a clear tendency; the image of Chinese tourists is full of negatives. At the same time, it indirectly involves events on political issues; Vietnamese media also maintain strong political sensitivity. Moreover, it emphasizes the integrity of Vietnam’s territorial sovereignty, the particularity of history and culture, and strengthening the sense of identity of Vietnamese readers.},