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@article{ Khambule2018,
 title = {The Challenges of the Right to Work and their effect on Residents in Direct Provision},
 author = {Khambule, Lucky},
 journal = {Studies in Arts and Humanities},
 number = {2},
 pages = {142-146},
 volume = {4},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2009-8278},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {In this essay MASI (The Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland) highlights the reasons why it is still necessary to continue with the ‘right to work’ campaign as the majority of international applicants, who are excluded from the directive, are left in limbo with no hope for their future while they wait for the outcome of their applications.},
 keywords = {Irland; Ireland; Asylbewerber; asylum seeker; Integration; integration; Recht auf Arbeit; right to work}}