Bibtex export


@incollection{ Fertmann2021,
 title = {Intermediaries vs. States or Intermediaries and States: Democracy in the post-intermediation age},
 author = {Fertmann, Martin and Kettemann, Matthias C.},
 year = {2021},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Weizenbaum Conference 2021},
 pages = {4},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society - The German Internet Institute},
 doi = {},
 keywords = {Meinungsfreiheit; freedom of opinion; soziales Netzwerk; national state; Menschenrechte; Demokratie; intermediäre Organisation; Staat; social network; Regulierung; intermediary organization; human rights; democracy; political participation; regulation; politische Partizipation}}