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@article{ Geiger2017,
 title = {Success and failure in narrowing the disability employment gap: comparing levels and trends across Europe 2002-2014},
 author = {Geiger, Ben Baumberg and Wel, Kjetil A. van der and Tøge, Anne Grete},
 journal = {BMC Public Health},
 number = {928},
 pages = {1-7},
 volume = {17},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {1471-2458},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Background: International comparisons of the disability employment gap are an important driver of policy change. However, previous comparisons have used the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), despite known comparability issues. We present new results from the higher-quality European Social Survey (ESS), compare these to EU-SILC and the EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS), and also examine trends in the disability employment gap in Europe over the financial crisis for the first time. Methods: For cross-sectional comparisons of 25 countries, we use micro-data for ESS and EU-SILC for 2012 and compare these to published EU-LFS 2011 estimates. For trend analyses, we use seven biannual waves of ESS (2002-2014) with a total sample size of 182,195, and annual waves of EU-SILC (2004-2014) with a total sample size of 2,412,791. Results: (i) Cross-sectional: countries that have smaller disability employment gaps in one survey tend to have smaller gaps in the other surveys. Nevertheless, there are some countries that perform badly on the lower-quality surveys but better in the higher-quality ESS. (ii) Trends: the disability employment gap appears to have declined in ESS by 4.9%, while no trend is observed in EU-SILC - but this has come alongside a rise in disability in ESS. Conclusions: There is a need for investment in disability measures that are more comparable over time/space. Nevertheless, it is clear to policymakers there are some countries that do consistently well across surveys and measures (Switzerland), and others that do badly (Hungary).},
 keywords = {Beschäftigung; employment; Behinderung; disability; Beschäftigungsentwicklung; employment trend; EU; EU; Gleichstellung; affirmative action; Quote; quota}}