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@book{ Simion2013,
 title = {Human aspects in Afghanistan: Handbook},
 author = {Simion, Eduard},
 year = {2013},
 pages = {318},
 address = {Oradea},
 publisher = {NATO HUMINT Centre of Excellence},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The Human Aspects of the Operational environment in Afghanistan Handbook was created as part of a broader project, "Human Aspects of the Operational Environment (HAOE)", under the coordination of the Emerging Security Challenges Division / NATO HQ. The project aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the human aspects in any theatre of operations and was conducted as a series of workshops spanning two years. There are many country books, studies and reports, within and outside NATO community, that provide basic/specific information about Afghanistan. This handbook fuses information from the most relevant ones, adding the unique perspective and experience of eight contributors with various Afghanistan backgrounds.},
 keywords = {NATO; NATO; Auslandseinsatz; deployment overseas; Afghanistan; Afghanistan; Bevölkerung; population; politische Entwicklung; political development; Wirtschaft; economy; Kultur; culture}}