Endnote export


%T Rola państwa w regulacji obrotu organizmami modyfikowanymi genetycznie (GMO)
%A Milczarczyk-Woźniak, Agnieszka
%J Studia z Polityki Publicznej / Public Policy Studies
%N 3
%P 95-115
%V 1
%D 2014
%K GMO; genetically modified organism; regulations; European Union; the State
%@ 2719-7131
%U https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/KSzPP/article/view/597
%X Genetic modifications of organisms arouse a lot of controversy. Some people consider them to be beneficial for the future of the world, others, on the contrary, see them as a series of threats. For this reason, the function of the State is important, through creating specific regulations, controls the flow of GMO products on its territory. There are doubts, whether the regulations sufficiently protect the domestic market against uncontrolled flow of genetically modified products. Also the question remains if the scope of norms is sufficient, and the use of GMOs is appropriate for the safety of the environment.
%G pl
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info