Endnote export


%T Dylematy współczesnej edukacji moralnej
%A Konstańczak, Stefan
%J Studia z Polityki Publicznej / Public Policy Studies
%N 4
%P 99-110
%V 6
%D 2020
%K consumer society; cultural progress; ethics; moral education; religion; religious upbringing; Poland
%@ 2719-7131
%U https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/KSzPP/article/view/1883
%X The article relates to the situation in the Polish education, where moral education is taught as two school subjects: either religious education or ethics. Although the subjects are in direct competition, essentially, they relate to the same curriculum content. The author distinguishes moral upbringing from moral education, by assuming that the upbringing is carried out mainly at home, whereas the school’s aim is to support the skills of making moral choices by the young generation. Therefore, the school cannot be blamed for pupils’ moral condition because it is shaped by the home environment, which is understood in a wide sense here.
%G pl
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info