

%T Analysis of religious tourism in Ukraine: challenges of time and prospects
%A Panchenko, Svitlana
%J Technology transfer: innovative solutions in Social Sciences and Humanities
%P 29-32
%D 2021
%K management; religious tourism; functions; sacred places; organization; sector; tourists; pilgrimage; tourist potential; creative industry
%@ 2613-5647
%X The main objectives of tourism business management are to develop and implement new strategies for promoting the product in the tourism market with the help of new technologies, as well as improve the existing ones due to using the main management functions. The article aims to improve the religious tourism sector in the modern tourism market and draw attention to religious tourism management. Research methods include analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, forecasting, as well as the use of systemic, activity-oriented, historical and culturological approaches. The article offers some ways of solving the issues of religious tourism, taking into account the specifics of this sector. It also covers some problematic issues in religious tourism in the context of the main management functions. The article proves that the potential of religious tourism is unrealized in terms of management and marketing research on tourism. The crisis of the global tourism industry, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has done significant harm to the entire tourism sector of Ukraine’s economy. But it opens a unique window of opportunities for Ukraine to become a world-famous religious destination. The WTTC drew attention to this, urging public and private sector leaders to work together to pave the way for the economic recovery, needed for the travel and tourist industry and create millions of jobs.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info