Endnote export


%T Dependent behavior and the model of family relations in the system of "safe" attachment
%A Grygorieva, Svitlana
%J Technology transfer: innovative solutions in Social Sciences and Humanities
%P 44-46
%D 2021
%K ontogenesis of motherhood; attachment dynamics; separation disorders; self-identification; families; lateral profile; children with ADHD; self-esteem; dependent behavior; addiction
%@ 2613-5647
%X This article examines a model of family relations, namely the "mother-child" dyad, built on the basis of a study of the lateral profile of normo-typical adolescents and their mothers. Testing the position of postures (comparing the interlacing of the fingers, crossing the arms on the chest, aiming and applauding) revealed a highly significant inverse correlation for the leading eye. This suggests that there is a significant interaction between the structures of the brain of the mother and the child in the thalamus (visual hillocks). The asymmetry of the brain structures of the mother-child dyad indicates their difference in the style of processing sensory information. These differences give rise to the dominance of the pair in the leading hemisphere of the brain (left or right) and, accordingly, in the style of thinking, which does not coincide in this pair. Thus, the state of "reliable" attachment in the mother-child dyad depends on whether the mother is ready to accept a different way of thinking (reading and processing sensory information) in her child. Based on the physiological characteristics of the structure of the brain of the mother and child, we will consider the system of dependent personality behavior, caused by disorders of interaction and attachment.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info