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@article{ Pető2015,
 title = {Hungary 1956: Júlia Rajk or the power of mourning},
 author = {Pető, Andrea},
 journal = {Clio: women, gender, history},
 number = {41},
 pages = {153-164},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {1252-7017},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article takes the case study of Julia Rajk (1914-1981), widow of the powerful Minister of the Interior Laszlo Rajk executed in the first show trials in Hungary in 1949, to explore the complexities of the construction of women’s political subjectivities during communism. It argues that it was not participation in the communist-led women’s organization, but opposition to it which led to gendered forms of resistance.},