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@book{ Toptancı2021,
 title = {Industrialization steps in the Kurdistan region: a review from macroeconomic perspective},
 author = {Toptancı, Ali İskan},
 year = {2021},
 pages = {52},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This will be implemented in the Kurdistan Region, based on the Japanese and Korean model in the most successful development of recent times. The aim examined the industrialization of the economy of the two countries, which served as models for development in many newly industrialized economies. Two experiences will be used to research the market in the Kurdistan Area. The focus is initially on current policies and institutions in the Kurdistan Region. Strengths, weaknesses, management, and threats are explored and about available resources and needs in the region. With the experience gained and the current brain, the development strategy is planned and exposing suitable models for the industrialization of the Kurdistan Region. Industrialization will be completed and sent to be written. Following the discussion of possible industrial policy arguments to increase security and self-sufficiency, the presentation of infrastructure organizations and cooperation to implement the industrialization policy are monitored. The industrial policy of the Kurdistan Region includes the authority and additions of the Kurdistan Regional Government to manage certain sectors, industries, or policies that meet their economic survival, productivity, and competitiveness.},