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@incollection{ Pető2012,
 title = {"I switched sides": Lawyers Creating the Memory of Shoah in Budapest},
 author = {Pető, Andrea},
 editor = {Pavlaković, Vjeran and Pauković, Davor and Raos, Višeslav},
 year = {2012},
 booktitle = {Confronting the Past: European Experiences},
 pages = {223-234},
 series = {Series of Political Science Research Forum},
 volume = {10},
 address = {Zagreb},
 publisher = {Political Science Research Centre Zagreb},
 isbn = {978-953-7022-26-6},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The paper examines the social composition of lawyers who took up working for the people's court defending war criminals based on the documents of the Archive of the Budapest Bar Association. The three major changes influencing the composition o f the lawyers - anti-Jewish legislation (numerus nullus), postwar lustration, and lus­trations by the communists in 1948 and after the 1956 revolution - changed the composition of the lawyers fun­damentally.},