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@incollection{ Pető2013,
 title = {How to Use the Shoah Foundation's Visual History Archive for Teaching at the Graduate Level: a Methodological and Theoretical Reflection},
 author = {Pető, Andrea},
 editor = {Kovács, András and Miller, Michael L.},
 year = {2013},
 booktitle = {Jewish Studies at the Central European University. Vol. VII: 2009-2011},
 pages = {205-209},
 address = {Budapest},
 publisher = {Central European University},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Unterrichtsmaterial; data bank; genocide; Geschichtswissenschaft; teaching materials; Lehrerbildung; teacher training; oral history; Archiv; visualization; Judenverfolgung; science of history; Visualisierung; Erinnerung; Völkermord; Datenbank; archives; Oral History; persecution of Jews; reminiscence}}