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@article{ Kleinhempel2020,
 title = {The Changing Role of Social Capital During the Venture Creation Process: A Multilevel Study},
 author = {Kleinhempel, Johannes and Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd and Klasing, Mariko J.},
 journal = {Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice},
 pages = {1-34},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {1540-6520},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {We assess how social capital relates to individuals' initial interest in becoming an entrepreneur, formally setting up a venture, and subsequent survival of the venture. Conceptualizing and measuring entrepreneurship as a sequential process inferred from cross-sectional data for 22,878 individuals living in 110 regions across 22 European countries, we find that regional social capital is relevant for formally setting up a venture, but it is not associated with initial interest, nor with venture survival after establishment. By assuming variability and not uniformity in how social capital relates to entrepreneurship, we gain a better understanding of the contextual determinants of the venture creation process.},
 keywords = {Unternehmertum; entrepreneurship; Sozialkapital; social capital; Unternehmer; entrepreneur; Unternehmerin; ; regionaler Unterschied; regional difference; Europa; Europe; vergleichende Forschung; comparative research; Regressionsanalyse; regression analysis; Unternehmensgründung; setting up a business; Mehrebenenanalyse; multi-level analysis; Querschnittuntersuchung; cross-sectional study}}