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@book{ Kunz2020,
 title = {Informing about Web Paradata Collection and Use (Version 1.0)},
 author = {Kunz, Tanja and Beuthner, Christoph and Hadler, Patricia and Roßmann, Joss and Schaurer, Ines},
 year = {2020},
 series = {GESIS Survey Guidelines},
 pages = {10},
 address = {Mannheim},
 publisher = {GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This survey guideline addresses the practical question of how best to inform survey participants about the collection and use of paradata in web surveys. We provide an overview of different personal and non-personal web paradata and the associated information and consent requirements. Best practices regarding the procedure, wording, and placement of non-personal web paradata information are discussed. In addition, we propose a sample wording for web paradata information in German and English.},
 keywords = {personal data; data protection; Datengewinnung; best practice; online survey; Online-Befragung; Personendaten; data capture; Datenschutz; Best Practice}}