

@incollection{ Kohnert2021,
 title = {Togo 2020: Domestic politics, foreign affairs, socio-economic development},
 author = {Kohnert, Dirk},
 editor = {Adetula, Victor and Kamski, Benedikt and Mehler, Andreas and Melber, Henning},
 year = {2021},
 booktitle = {Africa Yearbook. Vol. 17, Politics, economy and society South of the Sahara in 2020},
 pages = {1-24},
 address = {Leiden},
 publisher = {Brill},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Controversial constitutional and institutional reforms voted in May 2019 in parliament opened the way for President Gnassingbé to stand for a fourth and fifth term because the law does not apply retroactively. In February 2020, the President won again the disputed presidential elections and thus consolidated his power, assisted by the loyal army and security services. The outbreak of the Corona epidemic in Togo in March and the subsequent economic recession may have contributed to limit popular protest against the Gnassingbé regime. The human rights record of the government has improved, but remains poor. Yet, the international community followed a 'laissez faire' approach in the interests of regional stability. The economy dropped into recession due to the worldwide economic negative effects of the corona-crisis. The democracy index of the Economic Intelligence Unit, London, still rated Togo as an 'authoritarian regime'.},
 keywords = {Togo; Togo; Afrika südlich der Sahara; Africa South of the Sahara; frankophones Afrika; French-speaking Africa; Westafrika; West Africa; sozioökonomische Entwicklung; socioeconomic development; internationale Beziehungen; international relations; Innenpolitik; domestic policy; Außenpolitik; foreign policy}}