Endnote export


%T Metáfora, metonímia e método na transição analógica da representação à vontade: o conhecimento da coisa em si na metafísica de Schopenhauer
%A Silva Freitas, Matheus
%J Griot: Revista de Filosofia
%N 3
%P 362-376
%V 20
%D 2020
%K Schopenhauer; Thing-in-itself; Analogy; Metaphor; Metonymy; Method
%@ 2178-1036
%X The problem of thing-in-itself knowledge in Schopenhauer's metaphysic has been traditionally faced for scholars of shopenhauerian philosophy, such as Julian Young, Paul Lauxtermann e David Cartwright. The objective of this paper is comment this one problem, but emphasizing two interpretative trends quite discussed mainly in last decade. Both trend deal with the problem of thing-in-itself from an interpretation of analogical transition Schopenhauer proposes of representation world to thing-in-itself realm. Both De Cian and Marco Segala, well as Jorge Prado, on the one hand, and Sandra Shapshay on the other, disputes about what type of knowledge, metaphoric or metonymic, this philosopher search regarding the thing-in-itself. When remaking this disputing is possible to point the distance they are of exegetic tradition that precede them; even more, to evaluate what extend they are precursory in the endeavor for specify a kind of “method”, alternative to transcendental method Kantian, from which Schopenhauer would perform his metaphysic investigation. In order to insert our interpretation between those scholars, we will focus on analysis of excerpts of 'Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung' and 'Kritik der Kantischen Philosophie', in which Schopenhauer detail more emphatically how must be understood his metaphysical approach.
%G pt
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info