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@article{ Baier2020,
 title = {Page switching in mixed-device web surveys: prevalence and data quality},
 author = {Baier, Tobias and Fuchs, Marek},
 journal = {Survey Methods: Insights from the Field},
 pages = {1-7},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {2296-4754},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {As a self-administered survey mode, web surveys allow respondents to temporarily leave the survey page and switch to another web page in a
different browser tab or to another window/app. This form of sequential multitasking has the potential to disrupt the response process and reduce
data quality if respondents become distracted (Krosnick, 1991; Sendelbah et al., 2016). Browser data indicating respondents leaving the survey
page allow non-reactive measurement of their multitasking. We investigated the prevalence of page switching, number of switching events and
time spent absent per event with respect to respondents’ characteristics and devices used. Furthermore, we analysed the association with data
quality (item missing, differentiation in grid questions and number of characters to open-ended questions). The results indicate that the
prevalence of page switching is relatively low and the durations of page switching events are rather short. Also, respondents using a PC/tablet are
more likely to leave the survey page than those using a smartphone. As to data quality, we did not find any correlation between page switching
and the quality of the answers. Thus, this study provides no evidence that multitasking poses a threat to data quality. The findings are discussed
with respect to the delimitations of multitasking using browser paradata.},
 keywords = {Online-Befragung; online survey; Datenqualität; data quality; Mehrfachbelastung; multiple stress; Mobiltelefon; cell phone; Umfrageforschung; survey research; Computer; computer; Antwortverhalten; response behavior}}