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@article{ Irimata2020,
 title = {Comparison of Quarterly and Yearly Calibration Data for Propensity Score Adjusted Web Survey Estimates},
 author = {Irimata, Katherine E. and He, Yulei and Cai, Bill and Shin, Hee-Choon and Parsons, Van L. and Parker, Jennifer D.},
 journal = {Survey Methods: Insights from the Field},
 pages = {1-11},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {2296-4754},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {While web surveys have become increasingly popular as a method of data collection, there is
concern that estimates obtained from web surveys may not reflect the target population of interest.
Web survey estimates can be calibrated to existing national surveys using a propensity score
adjustment, although requirements for the size and collection timeline of the reference data set
have not been investigated. We evaluate health outcomes estimates from the National Center for
Health Statistics’ Research and Development web survey. In our study, the 2016 National Health
Interview Survey as well as its quarterly subsets are considered as reference datasets for the web
data. It is demonstrated that the calibrated health estimates overall vary little when using the
quarterly or yearly data, suggesting that there is flexibility in selecting the reference dataset. This
finding has many practical implications for constructing reference data, including the reduced cost
and burden of a smaller sample size and a more flexible timeline.},
 keywords = {Online-Befragung; online survey; Datengewinnung; data capture; Schätzung; estimation; Datenqualität; data quality; USA; United States of America; Methodenvergleich; comparison of methods; Wahrscheinlichkeit; probability; Daten; data; Demographie; demography}}