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@article{ Jasiecki2020,
 title = {Rola i znaczenie współpracy gospodarczej państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej w Unii Europejskiej od 2015 roku},
 author = {Jasiecki, Krzysztof},
 journal = {Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs},
 number = {3},
 pages = {183-205},
 volume = {24},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {1428-149X},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The aim of the article is to describe the genesis, role, significance, conditions and effects of economic cooperation of the Visegrad
Group countries in the European Union, with particular emphasis
on their development after 2015. It presents the distinguishing features and specificity of the Group’s cooperation before accession to
NATO and the EU in the context of the situation of Central Europe
and other European post-communist countries, as well as the most
important aspects of the political and economic potential of the V4
countries against the background of the EU and selected member
states. Various aspects of their economic cooperation in the region
are discussed, as well as the structural limitations of the role of the
Visegrad Group countries in the EU and related controversy. The
fi nal part contains conclusions relating to the Group’s activities
with regard to the main axes of political and economic divisions in
the EU, with particular emphasis placed on economic dimensions.},
 keywords = {EU; EU; CEFTA; CEFTA; wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit; economic cooperation}}