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@article{ Bondar2020,
 title = {Role and importance of the playing space in psychic development of a pre-school child},
 author = {Bondar, Oksana},
 journal = {EUREKA: Social and Humanities},
 number = {6},
 pages = {12-17},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {2504-5571},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {In the research process it has been determined, that the full-value development of a pre-school child takes place at the expanse of high-quality organization and effective use of the playing space. It has been outlined, that high-quality organization of the playing space favors the harmonic combination of psychic, physical and spiritual development of a child. The conducted theoretical analysis allowed to separate four main components that must be taken into account in the process of organizing the high-quality playing space of pre-school children, namely: content, material, organizational and personal. It has been noted, that a structural model of the qualitatively organized playing space of a pre-school child is based on acknowledgement of the child-centered orientation priority. It has been proved, that the agreed combination of four components of the playing space provides psychological safety of a pre-school child and favors the high level development of its cooperation in the process of interaction with others. It has been revealed, that the content of realized playing actions, material filling of the playing space, its dynamics and mobility, inclusion of all children in the active playing activity need essentially other approaches. There have been fixed contradictions between necessary and real ideas of teachers as to the organization quality of the playing space for pre-school children. The problem of quality organization of the playing space for pre-school children gains special importance under conditions of modern society that dictates new rules and requirements to the development of a successful person. The formation of the high level ability to understand own possibilities, to reveal initiative and comprehensively realize themselves in pre-school children provides the presence and interconnection of all structural components of the playing space.},
 keywords = {Vorschulalter; preschool age; psychische Entwicklung; psychological development; Spiel; playing}}