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@article{ Heldt2019,
 title = {Global Democracy in Decline? How Rising Authoritarianism Limits Democratic Control over International Institutions},
 author = {Heldt, Eugénia C. and Schmidtke, Henning},
 journal = {Global governance: a review of multilateralism and international organizations},
 number = {2},
 pages = {231-254},
 volume = {25},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {1942-6720},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Over the past decade, rising authoritarian regimes have begun to challenge the liberal international order. This challenge is particularly pronounced in the field of multilateral development finance, where China and its coalition partners from Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa have created two new multilateral development banks. This article argues that China and its partners have used the New Development Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to increase their power and to restrict democratic control mechanisms. By comparing formal mechanisms of democratic control in both organizations to the World Bank, this article shows that civil society access, transparency, and accountability are lower at the AIIB and NDB than they are at the World Bank.},
 keywords = {Indien; global governance; Weltbank; Global Governance; autoritäres System; authoritarian system; Brazil; Russland; Russia; China; Republic of South Africa; India; Republik Südafrika; China; Brasilien; World Bank}}