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@book{ Koepp2020,
 title = {What this pandemic reveals about the value of work},
 author = {Koepp, Robert},
 year = {2020},
 series = {Coronavirus and its Societal Impact - Highlights from WZB Research},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH},
 abstract = {The pandemic has revealed what kind of work deserves to be called "systemically important". Yet, as Robert Koepp argues, the struggle over labor conditions has only just begun.},
 keywords = {Epidemie; epidemic; Infektionskrankheit; contagious disease; Arbeitsmarkt; labor market; Erwerbstätigkeit; gainful employment; prekäre Beschäftigung; precarious employment; Arbeitsbedingungen; working conditions; Vergütung; remuneration}}