Endnote export


%T Исламизм и глобализация
%A Grinin, Leonid
%J Век глобализации
%N 1
%P 18-34
%D 2019
%K moderate Islamism; the Muslim renaissance; the Orient; Muslim societies; politicized Islam; World System; oil dollars
%@ 1994-9065
%X Islamism appears one of the most important phenomena of our times and it
greatly affects many global processes. In the Muslim world one can hardly find
 a country where Islamism would not be an influential and stable political factor. It
seems impossible to comprehend modern Muslim (especially Arab) societies without taking into account the role of Islamism as simultaneously an ideology, a cultural environment, and a mode of life and guideline to follow. And if one keeps in
mind the increasingly large share of the Muslim population in the world, it appears
impossible to ignore their impact in current and future globalization trends. All
these make the correlation between globalization and Islamism an urgent issue
which is, nevertheless, understudied. In the present article we would like to outline
some patterns and landmarks of this mutual interaction.
Currently, Islamism is one of the most complicated social phenomena; it is
a multi-faceted, changing and heterogeneous movement within whose framework
there unfolds an intensive ideological and political struggle. We hope the present
article will help the reader to obtain some idea about this important phenomenon
of the modern world whose development involves interests of billions of people of
all countries, religions and views. At that, we emphasize that it is vital to distinguish between radical and moderate types of Islamism; the latter is promising with
respect to becoming a positive and promising wing of political system in Muslim
countries. We suppose that it is impossible to eliminate the dangers of radical and
terrorist Islamism only by force. One may hope to achieve this goal if to separate it
from moderate Islamism while the latter should become more respectable, open and
involved in common political life.
%G ru
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info