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@article{ Di Stasio2017,
 title = {Education as social policy: An introduction},
 author = {Di Stasio, Valentina and Solga, Heike},
 journal = {Journal of European Social Policy},
 number = {4},
 pages = {313-319},
 volume = {27},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {1461-7269},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This Special Issue considers education as a social policy in its own right, from a life-course perspective and in relation to other policy areas. It recognizes the complexity of education systems and their multi-stage architecture. The volume broadens our understanding of the role of ‘education as social policy’ by addressing four different aspects: the importance of education providers, education as a means of social stratification, education as an interconnected regime component and public opinion on education as an important foundation of welfare state policies and a prerequisite for their sustainability in the long run. From a theoretical perspective, all authors critically engage with the social investment state approach that sees in education and training investment the lynchpin of a pre-distribution agenda protecting individuals from the new social risks of a competitive, knowledge-driven economy. The examples provided in this Special Issue expose the multifaceted role of education as social policy, drawing attention to both its formative and stratifying function across a number of European welfare states.},
 keywords = {Bildung; social policy; education; education system; educational policy; Bildungspolitik; Bildungswesen; Sozialpolitik}}