Endnote export


%T Transnationale Migrationen: Post-jugoslawische Biografien in der Weltgesellschaft
%A Goeke, Pascal
%P 384
%D 2007
%I transcript Verlag
%K Migrationstheorie; Post-Jugoslawien; Theoretische Geografie
%@ 978-3-89942-665-6
%~ transcript Verlag
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-69756-6
%X Seit über zehn Jahren zerreibt sich die Migrationsforschung ohne klares Ergebnis zwischen Transnationalisten und Assimilationisten. Das Buch zeigt, dass der letztendlich gleiche Beobachtungsrahmen beider Theorieoptionen der Grund für ihre Erkenntnisarmut ist. Mithilfe der Systemtheorie wird deshalb eine neue Sicht auf Migrationen in der modernen Gesellschaft entworfen. Die vielfältigen, transnationalen und stets kontingenten Bewegungen von post-jugoslawischen Migrantinnen und Migranten können so aufschlussreich erfasst sowie die Gesellschaft über die Folgen ihres Strukturaufbaus informiert werden.
%X Engaging with the ongoing dispute between proponents of transnational theories on the one hand and those advocating assimilation and integration theories on the other, the dissertation starts with a critique of recent conceptual discussions within contemporary migration studies. In order to develop a more satisfying position conciliating between the two sides involved, the author of this dissertation takes up a system theoretical perspective as a third point of reference. This change in focus is based on general system theory as mainly elaborated by Niklas Luhmann and its adaptation to migration theory by Michael Bommes. After providing a detailed elaboration of the advantages system theory has to offer, its theoretical insights are then put in dialogue with geographical and transnational studies in migration finally resulting in the specific epistemological interest of this dissertation. In this process, central terms and concepts within migratory studies, such as nation, identity, integration as well as assimilation and transnationalisation are readjusted. By making full use of the analytical potential of system theory the dissertation is able to draw a different picture of the diverse transnational structures, biographies and identifications which have emerged from the earlier phase of ,guest worker migration' between former Yugoslavia and Germany onwards. Amongst the main findings of this dissertation is the insight that transnationalisation conceptualized as a way of life proves to be very favourable to some migrants. Yet, migrants do not master social advancement agairrst the odds of being forced to participate in life 'here and there', rather it is the simultaneous inclusion in both contexts, for instance Germany and Croatia, which provides indispensable resources and enables their social advancement.
%C Bielefeld
%G de
%9 Dissertation
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info