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@incollection{ Cornea2014,
 title = {Numele - element esenţial al identităţii colectivităţilor locale din Republica Moldova},
 author = {Cornea, Sergiu and Cornea, Valentina},
 editor = {Orlov, Maria},
 year = {2014},
 booktitle = {Caietul Ştiințific, nr. 6/2012: Sesiune de Comunicări Ştiinţifice, Ediţia a VI-a, 12-13 Octombrie 2012},
 pages = {192-202},
 address = {Chișinău},
 publisher = {Institutul de Ştiinţe Administrative din Republica Moldova},
 isbn = {978-9975-66-390-8},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The name is one of the essential basic elements of the identity of a local collectivity. The local collectivity is self-identified and individualized through its name, in relation to the other collectivities of the same type. 
The name of local collectivities have functioned and developed during the centuries. Their meaning, content and evolution provide the valuable information concerning the evolution of local collectivities over time.
The return to the traditional names of local territorial collectivities was the first stage of the attempts to the territorial-administrative reform in Moldova.
Although, many localities have reestablished their historical names, the process is not ended. Still today, one can find in toponymic landscape of Moldova, the names of localities which are improper to the national spirit and historical traditions.
The procedure regarding the assignment or change of the designation and the return to the historical names of local collectivities is in the process of examination.},