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@book{ Pepe2020,
 title = {Connectivity in Eurasia: Geopolitical Chances for the EU},
 author = {Pepe, Jacopo Maria},
 year = {2020},
 series = {DGAP Policy Brief},
 pages = {7},
 volume = {18},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.},
 issn = {2198-5936},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {As the coronavirus pandemic fuels technological and geopolitical competition among the great powers, Europe's relations with China and Russia are facing new challenges and risks. Still, the reconfiguration of power in Eurasia also brings unexpected opportunities for European actors in the area of connectivity. To seize them, the EU needs to reconcile its aspiration to be a globally accepted "normative-regulatory" power with both its limited financial means and its more assertive attitude to geopolitics.},
 keywords = {Europa; Europe; EU; EU; Asien; Asia; China; China; Russland; Russia; Geopolitik; geopolitics; Großmacht; great power; internationaler Wettbewerb; international competition}}