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@book{ Kyamusugulwa2020,
 title = {Multi-stakeholder community consultations as a multi-purpose research tool: experiences from the Democratic Republic of Congo: Deliverable 4.3; Documentation of multi-stakeholder community consultations (MSCC) in Africa},
 author = {Kyamusugulwa, Patrick Milabyo and Ruhamya Mugenzi, Joachim and Lubala Kubiha, Stanislas and Assumani, Innocent and Jacobs, Carolien},
 year = {2020},
 series = {TRAFIG Report},
 pages = {11},
 volume = {Jun 2020},
 address = {Bonn},
 publisher = {Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The Multi-Stakeholder Community Consultation (MSCC) is a participatory research tool that has been developed by the DR Congo team of TRAFIG and that will be applied in other countries in the course of the project too. By bringing together a mixed group of respondents (displaced, hosts, authorities, civil society), the tool is geared towards collecting additional insights through an interactive dialogue on intergroup relations, validating findings gathered through other methods, and jointly seeking solutions for problems that are identified by the participants. In this note we provide methodological guidance and share our experience of using the tool in the DRC. Other TRAFIG country teams, interested researchers and practitioners can learn from it and adapt it to their own needs.},
 keywords = {methodology; Flüchtling; civil society; Demokratische Republik Kongo; soziales Netzwerk; Verflechtung; Methodologie; Migration; displaced person; validation; social network; Validierung; empirical social research; Interdependenz; Democratic Republic of the Congo; migration; Zivilgesellschaft; Displaced Person; refugee; interconnection; empirische Sozialforschung; interdependence}}