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@book{ Colclough2009,
 title = {Financing education in Kenya: expenditures, outcomes and the role of international aid},
 author = {Colclough, Christopher and Otieno, Wycliffe},
 year = {2009},
 series = {RECOUP Working Papers},
 pages = {95},
 address = {Cambridge},
 publisher = {University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty (RECOUP)},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper analyses educational expenditures in Kenya over the past two decades, comparing these with changes in enrolments and outputs from the education system. While there is a direct relationship between public financing policy and participation in education, the positive outcomes in the sector cannot be directly attributed to external aid. Though aid has played its part, the major stimulus to sector improvement has been internal. But the Kenyan experience shows that aid has had an impact on national policy and, at times, Kenya has seemed to change its policy objectives in order to access aid. Though a strong economy by African standards, Kenya's continued reliance on external support is inevitable if its ambitious objectives in the education sector are to be upheld.},
 keywords = {funding; Einschulung; educational policy; Kenya; Bildungswesen; internationale Hilfe; returns on education; Africa; Bildungsertrag; school enrollment; Kenia; education system; Bildungspolitik; Finanzierung; international aid; Afrika}}