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@article{ De Souza2020,
 title = {As vozes de Wittgenstein: hegemonia, assombração e conflito},
 author = {De Souza, Victor Galdino Alves},
 journal = {Griot: Revista de Filosofia},
 number = {2},
 pages = {291-308},
 volume = {20},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {2178-1036},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The purpose of this text is to exhibit and explore an image of Wittgenstein that remains in the margins of the academic production of commentaries on his writings: the image of a philosopher who does not occupy himself with philosophical theses and theories, but with a conflict against his philosophical inheritance and the world he inhabits. A conflict that does not end, that shows us ambiguities that are not abandoned after definitive solutions are given to what haunts the philosopher. The voices of Wittgenstein tell us about temptations and hegemonic forms of thinking philosophy that remain present, about questions that can still be raised in philosophical communities, and this leads us to think about the pertinence today of his demand for a therapeutic procedure. In this sense, some topics will be explored such as: philosophy as some sort of antiphilosophical therapy, the relationship between the "disease of a time" and the writings and biographical aspects of Wittgenstein, the desire for authenticity and the possibility of individual solutions for the issues relating to the "darkness of this time".},