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@article{ Santos2020,
 title = {A superação da concepção liberal de liberdade em Hannah Arendt},
 author = {Santos, Edson Kretle and Araujo, Ricardo Corrêa de},
 journal = {Griot: Revista de Filosofia},
 number = {2},
 pages = {202-214},
 volume = {20},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {2178-1036},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This article intends to confront two notions about the notion of liberty, central theme on Political Philosophy. On one side, we‘ll start on some observations of political liberalism, where in the first moment, we’ll explore the book "Two Concepts of Liberty" by Isaiah Berlin. To this author the negative liberty - "being free of" and, not the positive liberty - "being free to", should be the biggest worry of political bodies, that is, the State must exist to avoid that individual liberty is reduced by the own state interference or other subjects. Meeting this idea, and anchored in Arendt, we want to sustain that one of the big problems about political liberalism is the not action (negative liberty), that is, the lack of participation from the citizens on subjects and on political decisions. Showing this, we will defend in Arendt the central role of positive liberty (political freedom) of action and speak, and, thereafter, the possibility of a civic republicanism as an alternative to the isolation and the political apathy conceived by the bourgeois liberty, since, to Arendt, Berlin's bet and the liberal tradition are unsatisfying to think the events of contemporary politics.},