Endnote export


%T Going across Europe for an apprenticeship? A factorial survey experiment on employers’ hiring preferences in Germany
%A Protsch, Paula
%A Solga, Heike
%J Journal of European Social Policy
%N 4
%P 387-399
%V 27
%D 2017
%K apprenticeship abroad; employer preferences; transnational youth policies; vocational education and training; BIBB Training Panel 2014
%@ 1461-7269
%~ WZB
%X Owing to the recent recession, the German apprenticeship model is once again praised for smoothing out school-to-work transitions. In line with the social policy shift of favouring education as a key means to combat youth unemployment, European Union (EU) recommendations and German national policies encourage young Southern and Eastern EU citizens to apply for apprenticeship training abroad. Yet, young people wanting to go abroad are not only mobile young people but also immigrants. Given the prevalence of ethnic disparities in the German apprenticeship system, the question arises whether employers would be willing to hire these newcomers. Using a factorial survey experiment, we investigate how employers rate applications from Spanish newcomers compared to those from young immigrant descendants of Spanish origin. The results indicate that newcomers are substantially less preferred than immigrant descendants born in Germany. Employers’ expectations about newcomers' language skills and employers' interest in training for their own skilled labour force are key barriers to policies promoting apprenticeships abroad.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info